Client; Save the Children International, Lao PDR
Production; Running Reel
Director and DoP; Adri Berger
Assistant Director: Dorn Bouttasing
Camera Assistance/ Edit: Dara Pathammavong

Written by; Joseph Surivong

In cooperation with:
Anne Bockman, Child Psychologist
CECC, Centre of Education and Culture for Children, Vientinane
ACDA, Aid Children with Disability Association, Vientiane

With the aim of enhancing the knowledge base of Child Rights for children and adult citizens in Lao PDR, the Child Rights Learning Network decided to produce a video to raise children’s & adult’s awareness on the child right to be protected from violence, with special focus on physical violence, its effects on children and positive disciplines examples.
The creation of this media will support and complement the awareness raising role of Laos NPAs on child rights and will contribute to a better knowledge of child rights to the target population.
CECC was selected by Save the Children International together with ACDA to lead a participative process in preparation of the video.



Below the script with ideas for style and approach. We worked together with the children of the CECC to put this film together. We had several rehearsals and these rehearsals were set up and initially led by Anne Bockman, a child psychologist working in Vientiane. We made some changes to the script based on time we had available and also the length of the film. The process was well set up and after several rehearsals we filmed all material in two days inside the black box theatre of FangLao, a dance troupe in Vientiane. The whole experience was strongly influenced through the participatory approach with the children. They had a great time whilst understanding the seriousness of the subject and committing themselves to be part of this story.

The images used are only for illustration purposes and not used other than in this script idea.
Copyright belongs to their respective owners.

Our Tasks included:

Co- facilitate a workshop / focus group discussion with children/adults to understand the problem of physical violence against children, the perception of it by the target group and gather the key message of the video.
Communicate regularly with CECC, ACDA and SCI on the progress of the preparation of the video.

Synopsis of filmed scenarios:
A short family drama showing domestic violence against a child caused in a stressful situation. Mother blames her son for a small accident and hits him.
The story then continues and ask how this can be done differently by asking children in an audience to respond. The children show a better and more positive approach to situations at home.
A disabled boy is treated in a bad way after a party by a member of his extended family. He is not accepted because of his handicap. The boy defends himself and shows that even though he is handicapped, he is as smart and developed as anybody else. His mother and sister come to his rescue and demand the uncle who mistreated him changes his ways or not show himself again.

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